Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Day at St. Mary's!!

Walking into St.Mary's school I didn't know what to expect but after the lab ended at five o'clock I was anxious to get back. The little ones were a blast and I love working with them. I learned in just two hours, in order to interact really well with them you have to get down on their level and meet them half way. I spent my time coloring, drawing, playing with legos and playing games that I took from my adventure activities class. I was challenged by a few kids that didn't want to participate but I worked around it and they ended up participating in the end. I thought that the pre-K kids were the cutiest things I have ever seen but I also learned that there are boundaries and I should never pick them up, let them hold my hand or sit on my lap. My first experiance was great and I can't wait for next Monday.

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